Thursday, June 16, 2016

Renewable Energy in India: Can India march ahead of developed nations

The increased human population causes a pressure to develop on fossil fuels and that makes them makes them the primary energy source. But with constant use, they are seen to become scarce and consequently has their cost increase multifariously. So the world including our nation confronts power deficit problems. Funded by the government from its inception, India established a ministry of non-conventional energy resources back in the 1980s and thus turned out to be the first country in the world to do so.

India shares the honour of being the second highest energy producing country in the world, after US, with China. But India is way behind a number of developed countries in renewable energy production but that day will not be far when India will be able to sealing the gap but for that certain initial guidelines have to be followed which will help it progress a little towards bridging the gap:

(a) Industry leaders must enforce stringency on distribution companies to make them purchase power produced only from renewable resources and if any company fails to do the same, that company will be penalised.

(b) Government must fund most of the renewable energy production projects and also they must be backed by cheap capital investment so that it can be a long term process.

(c) Technology must be incentivised innovation in products is a necessity. It should become a matter of ease in India owing to the availability of cheap labour.

(d) India should also try cutting down on high-polluting sites like coal-based thermal power plants by revoking their licenses.

And Welspun Renewables is a significant renewable energy India source provider in our country. It has contributed to the production of solar and wind power throughout India including Madhya Pradesh, Rajasthan, Maharashtra, Punjab and Karnataka. It has been able to successfully produce a total energy of capacity 680 MW. Welspun Renewables has lifted the structural framework from high carbon utilizing regime to a low carbon utilizing one. The company has set up various solar and wind power plants throughout Indian of capacities ranging from 19 to 151 MW.

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